Y3/4 Dynamo Cricket Tournament

On Friday 27th May some Y3/4 children took part in a Dynamo cricket tournament run by Rotherham School Games at Cranworth. We came first out of 9 schools! This meant we were through the first heat (Rotherham Finals) and into a South Yorkshire tournament held at Hallam Sports Park run by Yorkshire Sport. Well done everyone – […]
Y3/4 James Brunt Day

James Brunt is an award winning artist and Forest School practitioner who uses foraged materials to create ephemeral works of art in outdoor locations. He visited Aston Hall and worked with Y3-4. He has worked extensively with schools and public groups on outdoor arts projects that encourage children and adults to explore, play and create. […]
Y3/4 Science Week!

During Science week, we have been learning about plastic pollution. As part of our week’s activities, we have created PowerPoint presentations of ways our school could become more eco-friendly and have created reused plastic creations, like the Hamro Mahila women’s group in Nepal. Student Powerpoint 001 Student Powerpoint 002 Student Powerpoint 003
Santa Dash!

We all ran in our Christmas jumpers on the Daily Mile ‘Santa Dash’!
Y3/4 Learn About Teeth

In Science, we have learned about different types of teeth and how to look after them.