Welcome to
Aston Hall Junior & Infant School
Proud to be Aston Hall.
Welcome from the Headteacher
Hello and welcome to our website, it is with great pleasure, as Headteacher of the school, that I welcome you to our website and hope it provides you with all the up-to-date and relevant information you need to find out about our wonderful school. Please use the social media links at the top of our page to see even more amazing things going on in school, and if a parent/carer of a child in school, remember to link to your child’s class on ClassDojo.
I joined the school in September 2021. Being the leader of a school is an immense privilege and my personal belief is that the children are at the centre of everything we do. They are all amazing in their own, individual way and as such, I feel a sense of duty to ensure they are; inspired, motivated and engaged at school and this is how I approach my role. I’m a firm believer, and have a passion for ensuring, that any decision made in school focuses on a child first approach, where the children are at the heart of these decisions and that it is for their benefit, thus being a driving force for progress and success on the school’s journey of improvement…
Latest News
Celebrating 20 Years of Mrs Booth!
This week marks 20 years since Mrs Booth started teaching at Aston Hall! During this time, she has seen so
KS2 Aston Carnival Artwork
The Culture Team from Rotherham Council visited LKS2, to help them create some unique artwork, that could be used at
KS2 Summer Show💃
KS2 certainly put on outstanding performances during this year’s KS2 Production of ‘What a Knight!’. The dedication Y6 put into
Olympic and Paralympic Activities
To celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, over the last few weeks, the children at Aston Hall have
Y3/4 Flux Rotherham Visit!
Last week, Y3/4 had a visit from Flux Rotherham, who helped the children create a painting using canvas and acrylic
Y1/2 Louis Masai Michel Art!
Last half term, Y1/2 started studying the artist Louis Masai Michel and his work on endangered animals. This month, the