“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Proud Podium Update

3 more children have been nominated for an Aston Hall Proud award and had their picture taken in front of the proud podium:

  • Frankie showed kind & caring behaviour to others in school and was helpful to staff when a little extra help was needed
  • Theo has been so thoughtful and selfless by asking Santa for a litter picker to help pick-up rubbish on his way to school as he doesn’t like seeing the litter inconsiderate people leave on the streets
  • Beau has been working hard in her home learning and has written a Christmas story with 8 chapters in her special story book that her Elf delivered

Well done everyone! 👏

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Measuring in Y3/4

This week, Y3/4 have been working on measuring in both meters and centimeters. They took part in a fun, educational activity, which was to measure

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