The Dinosaur Department Store in Y1/2
Y1 and Y2 are getting really stuck into their novel study text, The Dinosaur Department Store. The children have been busy in Literacy lessons, creating
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The Dinosaur Department Store in Y1/2
Y1 and Y2 are getting really stuck into their novel study text, The Dinosaur Department Store. The children have been busy in Literacy lessons, creating
KS1 Nativity Hosanna Rock 2024
Last week, KS1 performed their Christmas Nativity, Hosanna Rocks, to the school and parents. The children have been working hard learning their lines, knowing when
This week, we had a lovely visit from Chaplins Pantomimes, where they performed Jack and the Beanstalk for our KS1 and EYFS children! The children
Last week, Y1 took their Science lesson outside, to discover the differences between evergreen and deciduous trees. The children had lots of fun up in
Last week, the KS1 children went for a walk to the woods. They looked at seasonal changes and features of the local area, linking to
Y1 took part in an exciting Science lesson this week. They were learning about how to keep their teeth healthy and clean. Everyone used disclosing
This week, Year 1 and 2 have really enjoyed sketching our school landscape, in the style of our Autumn Artist Claude Monet. Over the next
In KS1 we have been learning about the History of Schools as part of our History topic! On Monday morning, we were excited to welcome
This week, KS1 have started their reading groups! They have met their new reading teacher who will listen to them read three times per week in
KS1 Study Great Fire of London
Last week, KS1 took part in a Great Fire of London day to celebrate the end of their History topic. They took part in some
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This week, Aston Hall School Council have been very busy! They collated the feedback from the student surveys, which were handed out before Christmas, and
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