“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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The Vikings Descend on Aston Hall ⚔

 Y3 and 4 thoroughly enjoyed taking a step back in time to the exciting world of our Germanic ancestors – The Vikings!

The children and staff enjoyed a wealth of interactive learning opportunities, bringing the historic period back to life. Pop’s Outdoor Adventure team helped the Y3s create a Viking Rune leather momentum of the day, while others had the mission take on a battle to secure land as a Raider! 

Y4’s cracked the code of Viking Runes, while others wrote their name in Norse. The children enjoyed carving the head of the dragon from the royal longships – also called  serpent (ON ormr).

All in all, a fantastic time travelling experience was had by all! 

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