“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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September careers – English – Stacey Sampson visit

As part of our Careers curriculum, we welcomed Stacey Sampson to school for a special assembly. Each month we have a focus subject as part of our careers curriculum, with September being English. 
Stacey visited to tell the children all about her life as an actor, writer, director and performer.

Stacey has starred in many films and TV shows, including family favourites such as Coronation Street, Casualty and Heartbeat. She has also performed in many plays, such as The Borrowers, and has written and directed lots of things too.

We enjoyed a wonderful assembly with her sharing how her learning at school and experiences / interests led her to where she is today. As a previous pupil of Aston Hall in years gone by, it was inspiring for the children to ‘Dream Big’ and hear from Stacey about her wonderful career. She talked about the successes and setbacks of being an actor, how to be prepared to make mistakes, take risks and continue to Dream big. 
The children had lots of fantastic questions for Stacey and loved hearing about how her ‘doodling’ in EYFS led to other skills and interests throughout school, taking part in school nativity shows and plays before landing her first acting role at 15. 
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