“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Aston Hall Proud Nominations!

This week, lots of children have received ‘Proud Nominations’ and have been visiting the proud podium, well done to all of you:


⭐ Willow – for being a super helper in class volunteering to do monitor jobs and helping others in class completing their poetry work. How wonderful Willow.

⭐ Jacob – for always using excellent manners around school towards children and staff. A great role model to younger children holding open doors, always saying please and thank you and asking how others are. Fantastic Jacob.

⭐ Connor – for amazing progress in his timetables and a ‘can do’ attitude to learning new ones, great work Connor.

⭐ Katie – similar to Connor, for amazing progress in her times tables. Going the extra mile to write new ones down in your little notebook and learning them at home. A great attitude to your learning Katie, well done!

⭐ Ella – for thinking of others and creating innovative ways to raise money for our school rabbit ‘Fuggle’. Thank you Ella how thoughtful

⭐ Scarlett – for having an amazing day of transition at her high school she’ll be joining in September. It’s not easy if you’re the only person from your school going to a new high school, but Scarlett smashed it on day 1 and was ‘caught being amazing’ by staff around school, well done Scarlett.

⭐ Bobby – for amazing artwork. Bobby listened carefully and drew upon his knowledge of the artist ‘Keith Haring’ that Y2 have been studying recently to produce an amazing piece of art in the style of this artist. Wow Bobby, amazing!

⭐ Will – for showing a great attitude when playing football. He was determined but also really thoughtful and mindful of how he should play. Great job Will.

⭐ Emily – she absolutely blew Mrs Hicks and me away with her report about foxes, I couldn’t believe it for a Y1 child. Amazing handwriting, spellings and accurate grammar. Just wow!

⭐ Elyse – for her great progress with her Reading. Miss Poole loves your infectious enthusiasm in your Reading intervention, amazing well done.

⭐ Olivia – she has been attending two after school intervention clubs to help her with her Writing and her Maths and Mrs Ditchburn is so proud of the improvements she can see in class because of how hard you’ve been working well done!

⭐ Myles – he has the most amazing manners and everyone loves how polite and what a little superstar he is. Well done Myles.

⭐ Oliver – he has been trying really hard in his fractions work and shown great improvements in his learning, well done Oliver.

⭐ Molly – she has really increased the amount of writing she is producing, great stamina now and a huge improvement in an area you can sometimes find tricky. Well done Molly.

⭐ Noah – blew all of us away with how well he has been learning some of his tricky words in phonics. Mrs Hicks & Mrs Bell are extremely proud of you as we all are.


Keep up the amazing work, you absolute superstars!

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